I know Fabric isnt a new project but I wanted to write about batching remote executions. The reason why I resorted to Fabric is because SaltStack remote execution has been unreliable lately. It took a few tries but eventually I was able to get it right. Theres a couple things to consider when running executions against a large set of hosts.

  1. Unexpected prompts
  2. Sudo
  3. Parallel executions
  4. Batching executions
  5. Skipping unresponsive hosts

Unexpected Prompts - When running an execution there is a chance you may get an unexpected prompted, instead of hanging the execution Fabric has an option to exit on prompts. http://docs.fabfile.org/en/latest/usage/env.html#abort-on-prompts

Sudo - Automatically entering passwords using sudo there is an option. http://docs.fabfile.org/en/latest/api/core/operations.html#fabric.operations.sudo

Parallel executions - If you have a large set of hosts to execute against you will want to run the executions in parallel. http://docs.fabfile.org/en/latest/usage/env.html#parallel

Batching executions - In order to not overrun your processor or remote systems with large executions you can specify the max pool size. http://docs.fabfile.org/en/latest/usage/fab.html#cmdoption-z

Skipping unresponsive hosts - If a host is unrepsonive you may want to skip it. http://docs.fabfile.org/en/latest/usage/env.html#skip-bad-hosts

Install Fabric

(env)ryan@ryan:/srv/fabric$ pip install fabric

Create a hosts file



Fab file


from fabric.api import *

def set_hosts(file_name):
    env.hosts = open(file_name, 'r').read().split()

def state_sls(state):
    sudo('salt-call state.sls {0}'.format(state))

Fab command

(env)ryan@ryan:/srv/fabric$ fab -ka -f statesls_fabfile.py -u ryancurrah -I --abort-on-prompts --skip-bad-hosts -P -z 4 set_hosts:hosts.txt state_sls:timezone.conf

Ryan Currah

An ordinary person trying to do some extraordinary things with technology.